Friday, March 6, 2009

March 2009 Goals

I am a week late, but here are my goals for the month of March, which also happens to be my birthday month. I's like to make some real headway on my personal financial goals in my 25th year. I will reflect on my progress during the first three months of 2009 at the end of the month. So, here are the goals:

  1. Complete FAFSA.

  2. Stay on top of reading/assignments for my class. I need to stay on top of my reading so I don't have to play catch-up when exams or assignments roll around.

  3. Exercise and stretch at least 2 times a week. I completely fell off the wagon on this goal last month, I will do better this month.

  4. Go to bed at 11pm every night. I have developed the habit of staying up entirely too late and needing caffine in the morning only to crash in the afternoon, a vicious cycle.

  5. Choose a weekend in April to go to Florida, price and pay for tickets. I haven't visited my Dad in a while, and it would be nice to experience some warmer weather.

  6. Stay on top of personal endeavors such as blogging, non profity stuff.

  7. Start looking for an online writing course. I am leaning toward taking a Media Bistro online writing course, but will look around for others that look helpful.

Here is how I did on my goals for February:

  1. File taxes.--PASS-- I did my taxes with Turbo Tax and got my federal refund back.
  2. Apply for one freelance job. --FAIL--I will table this goal for now, because I need to focus my energy on my Accounting class which starts soon.
  3. Make one new dish.--PASS--I did make a new dish but I still need to do this more often to get out of my baked chicken and rice comfort zone. If anyone has a good soup recipe, pleae let me know, I'd like to make some from scratch because I never have before.
  4. Go to the gym more often.--FAIL--No excuse, I just need to do better in March.
  5. Stay on top of my reading for class.--PASS--I did stay on top of reading for the most part, but I still found the class tough, its just hard to grasp microeconomics concepts in eight weeks.


MoneyMaus said...

Good luck with all your March goals & you did great with February :)