Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Am I the only one that still likes writing checks?

I'm sure I'm in the minority in this, but I still like writing checks. To me, writing checks signifies that I'm "really a grow-up" because for so many years I watched my parents and other adults do this. I remember actually writing my first mock-check in the 6th grade, before this, I just watched other adults write checks. My middle school didn't have a personal finance curriculum but my teachers did teach us life-skills types of things like writing checks and being able to read a the stock market page in the newspaper. I have set up automatic bill pay for many of my reoccuring bills, so the occasions where I need to write checks are lessening. Not using checks is a greener method of paying bills and I'm sure that one day when I'm old and grey I'll be explaining to my grandkids how 'back in the day' we used paper to write checks because they will be long gone.


Revanche said...

Actually, I do still kind of like it. I use checks for one or two payments every 6 weeks, but like you, it brings back that feeling of nostalgia when I was 12 and my parents let me write the checks for their bills. Felt like such a grownup!

A Day in the Life of Mocha said...

I used to like to write checks it seems everything is so computerized now...

i miss it sort of

The Simply Luxurious Life said...

I'm with you. I do find myself using my debit card more, but there's something about writing a check. I too remember being taught how to write a check in school and I thought it was oh so cool! My parents still write checks and I love it!

eemusings said...

Never written a cheque in my life! Or, on a related note, had to learn to balance a chequebook.