Monday, February 8, 2010

February 2010 Goals

There are many things I could add to this list, but I'm only setting three goals for the month of February:

  1. Complete my taxes. I put my most of my paperwork together, I just need to sit down for a couple of hours and complete them. This is also a time sensitive goal, because I need to complete my FAFSA for grad school. I expect a refund, so it would be nice to see that sometime soon as well.
  2. Start Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD, do workout for the next 30 days. After being inspired by a few other bloggers such as Well Heeled,YBP and Change Affecting Me, I bit the bullet and got the DVD off of Amazon. I've had the DVD for two weeks, but it made no sense for me to start it only to get interrupted by my recent vacation. I started by doing the 20 minute work-out today and hope to see some results soon. I plan to do other exercise, but the 30 Day Shred is the bare minimum.
  3. Take time to be creative. This may sound a little vague, but I want to focus more on my creativity be it (non blog) writing, drawing, photography, teaching myself how to use Photoshop to make my point and shoot photos look better. I won't neglect blogging to dabble in my creative side, I'll just have to manage my time better.
I might start doing only three goals every month! I feel like I'm putting less pressure on myself this way. Three is one of my favorite numbers being born in the third month of the year and all : )

Do you have any top priority goals for the month?


Anonymous said...

I second the keep it simple approach. I have three goals for myself too. A few more, but always 3 major ones to accomplish.

Shen Dove said...

So three goals per month it is!

A Day in the Life of Mocha said...

another Pisces in the house!!!

i love it...March 7th my big day...

u can do it...Just keep it simple chica