I am a big fan of reading for pleasure and for gaining knowledge. I take full advantage of the plethora of books the public library in my city has to offer and recently picked up two on my last visit that focus on
personal finance. I've seen other bloggers comment on both of these books, so I'd like to read them myself and hopefully apply some useful knowledge from them. I plan to read through
The Power to Prosper and follow Michelle Singletary's prescriptive advice as close as I can. I'm also interested in gaining insight on millionaire's from The
Millionaire Next Door that haven't accumulated wealth through entertainment or sports fields, which is how the media repeatedly portrays millionaires. I'd like to learn about other paths to wealth. I'll report back on what I think about both of them!
ohh looking forward to hearing about "The Power to Prosper"! I love personal finance book myself (nerd alert) and am always looking for a good one.
@Gracey Loo You're not the only one, I'm "regular" at the local branch of my library : - ) I'll keep you posted on what I learn about both books
Millionaire Next Door is AMAZING! Also try the Millionaire Woman Next Door.
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