Monday, November 29, 2010

What Did I Purchase on Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Nothing! I did have some discretionary spending on food and transportation, but I didn't spend any money shopping for myself or anyone else on Black Friday or today, Cyber Monday. I'm sure there are still deals that can be found, but they won't be found by me. My holiday gift list this year is not extensive and I plan to purchase most of my gifts locally and make an effort to buy handmade items (not by me though!) over the next few weeks. If I had to replace technology products that are 'necessities' like my phone or laptop, I may have been tempted to shop, but to be honest, I just wasn't inspired to fight the crowds for a 'deal' this year. I'm embracing the things I love most about the holiday season; spending time with loved ones, reflecting on all of the things I have to be thankful for, helping others in some way (large or small), but I think my wallet will thank me if I don't sucked into the consumerism that the holidays can also bring this year. I've certainly done my fair share of stimulating the economy in 2010 anyway :- )

Did you take advantage of the deals and shop on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?