Friday, January 22, 2010

First Trip of the Year: Paid For and Planned

I planned and paid for my first trip of 2010: a cruise in February to the Caribbean with my family. The trip is actually a birthday cruise and I'm excited about it because I've never been on a cruise before! I waited until the last minute to pay for this trip because I didn't think I'd get my passport in time, but since I did, I bit the bullet and decided that I should go. The cost of the cruise package would have been less if I'd paid during the early-bird rate, but I can live with that. So far, I've paid for:

Roundtrip flight to port: $160
Cruise package: $550

Being the lover of clothes that I am, I'm already set for clothing for this trip : ) But I'm still debating on whether I will pay to get my hair done in some type of style that requires minimal work during the cruise, or just do it myself. I also haven't determined how much money I'll allot myself for spending for the duration of the cruise. It probably won't be much since I don't have to pay for food during the trip and I'm not really big on buying souvenirs on vacation. This trip depleted my travel fund, so I have to replenish it to pay for a my travel plans for the rest of the year. I have started paying for my next 'big trip' of 2010 this spring and still have my heart set on going to Europe or Africa during the fall, but we'll see.


MoneyMaus said...

Yay!! Have fun! This sounds like a blast :)