It could be because I live in the District and the excitement about the upcoming inauguration has reached fever pitch. The whole city is turning upside down to prepare for the mass of thousands expected to start coming to town in a few days for the inauguration and festivities surrounding it. Is it just me, or is every one from fashion designers to retail stores hawking Obama-related paraphenalia? From Urban Outfitters
Darn my shopping hiatus...as much as I'd like to do my small part to stimulate the economy with a memento, I have temporaily banned myself from buying clothing/accessory items for the next six months. Oh well, any one who is planning to/has already purchased mementos, just make sure it fits in your budget!
Hi, I stumbled on to your blog by way of BrazenCareerist.com - great post! I envy your geographic position, as I wish I could attend the inauguration. However, I too am on a budget, and need to watch my finances. I try to tell myself that our new president wouldn't want us to rack up credit card just to hear him speak ;)
I have my own obama shirt and I was rocking the hell out of it the last few months!!! Even though it was from a special independent designer and costed me 25 bills!
I wanted to thank you for your comments on paying down your student loans, its definitely a topic that hits home with a ton of us! Good luck with paying down your principle and keep me posted please!!!
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